Butterfly plants would be a great choice to decorate your indoor habitat. It is a unique indoor plant and has a vibrant look.It will give an aesthetic outlook. Besides, it’s easy to maintain and take care of. As a beginner, you can decorate your home with the Butterfly Plant Indoor.
Caring tips for your Indoor Butterfly Plant.
Here you will get a complete guideline of caring for your indoor butterfly plant. It will help you to grow a healthy butterfly plant.
Butterfly plants mostly like bright indirect light. It can survive in low light but in bright light it grows fast and flourish. Indirect light about 6-8 hours each day is perfect. Direct sunlight might be harmful for it. Because it will scorch leaves of the plant.
Butterfly plants need a well draining potting mix. The soil pH should be in between 6.0 to 7.5.
For growing a healthy Butterfly plant indoors, a watering schedule is important. So, water the plant once every one or two weeks. Make sure the top inch of the soil should dry. Don’t overwater the plant, because it’s responsible for yellowing leaves and root rot.
Humidity level should be in between 65-75° for a healthy butterfly plant. Make sure that your plant gets too cold, besides keep it away from windy areas.
In its growing season, you can use fertilizer once a month. It will help the plant to grow and keep fresh.
To grow a healthy butterfly plant, pruning is necessary. If you prune your plant it will be small and safe from overgrowth. Besides,you can trim the yellow leaves and dead leaves to keep your plant healthy.
Additional Tips:
- Keep the plant near the east or west facing window to get filtered light.
- Avoid dark corners and windy areas.
- Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.
- For better growth, rotate the plant once a week.
Explore the benefits of indoor butterfly plants:
- Its visual outlook is eye-catching.
- It attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies.
- It’s pet friendly.
- It is drought resistant and can grow in low maintenance.
- It provides a habitat for other beneficial insects.
In addition, it will help you to be relaxed and reduce your stress.
More about Butterfly Plant.
The butterfly plant, widely known as Butterfly Wing plant. Its scientific name is Christia Obcordata. Its butterfly shaped leaves are eye -catching. It has a number of colour variant flowers. The native country of this plant is from South Asia . It grows up to 1.5 to 2 feet in ideal condition. The Christia Obcordata is an ideal choice for indoor collection. Because it needs less care and is very easy to maintain.
Common issues of Indoor Butterfly plant:
- Yellowing Leaves: The main reason for yellowing leaves of the butterfly plant is overwatering the plant. If you water the plant more than it needs to, the leaves of the plant will turn yellow. So avoid overwatering your plant.
- Attack from pests: Butterfly Plants are often attacked from common pests like Aphids,Whiteflies,Spiders Mites,etc. These pests are very harmful for the plant.The growth and development is hampered for such pests. You should keep your eyes on these common pests. You can give chemical treatment to get rid of them.
- Root rot: Root rot is one of the challenging issues of Butterfly plants. The reason for this problem is overwatering and poor drainage systems. So make a balanced watering schedule. Besides, you can change the pot and soil for a batter result.
- Powdery Mildew: It is a fungal disease and harmful for your plants. The symptom of this disease is white powdery spots appear at the leaves and body. Make a well ventilated space, Make sure the soil should be moist. Don’t water the leaves only, water the roots of the plant.
Propagation system of Butterfly Plants.
Propagation is considered a life saver for plants, especially for rare plants. It is a process of producing new plants from old ones. It will help you to save your money. Besides, you will get plenty of plants. Common propagation systems are Stem cuttings and Seeds.
Stem cutting: The perfect time is necessary for stem cutting. For butterfly plants, early spring time is suitable. Find healthy stems which are not too young or too old. Cut the stem below the node, the stem size should be 4-5 inches. Remove the lower leaf of the stem and there should be one leaf at the top. After that place the cutting on paper in a shaded place. Allow callus formation to show at the cut end of each. Then dip the calloused cut ends in a rooting hormone for good root development. Then plant the stems in individual pots and take care of them regularly.
Seed Propagation: For seed propagation, authentic seeds are very important. So collect authentic butterfly plant seeds. After getting the seeds, soak them for 24 hours. Then, prepare a well-draining soil with some compost. Then sow the seeds in the prepared mix. It is recommended that you should spread each seed at a distance of one inch from another.
Water it according to its need and keep it in a warm and bright place. If you maintain the process, within a few weeks, your seeds will begin to germinate. Then you can transfer it anywhere.
You can add the Butterfly plant to your collection, as it is aesthetic ,low maintenance and gives a stunning look. You can give a vibrant look to your place. Besides, it’s beginner friendly and will help you to reduce your stress.
By careful selection, nursing and nurturing approach you can easily cultivate this plant. As it’s a rare plant, you can easily save this plant through propagation like stem cuttings and seeds.
To learn about indoor plant care tips you can have your eyes at plantnursing.com.